JurassiPet JurassiGaurad All Natural Garlic Scented Flavor Enhancer for Reptiles and Amphibians

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Jurassiguard is an all natural garlic scented odor and flavor enhancer. Our research has shown that many reptiles are attracted to natural odors, such as garlic. Simply spray Jurassiguard onto any food item to attract the interest of finicky eaters. Ideal for all reptiles and amphibians.

  • Jurassiguard is an all natural garlic scented odor and flavor enhancer. Our research has shown that many reptiles are attracted to natural odors, such as garlic. Simply spray Jurassiguard onto any food item to attract the interest of finicky eaters. Ideal for all reptiles and amphibians.
  • An appetite and flavor Enhancer that will help Renew the interest of poor or finicky eaters in food
  • When ingested as an appetite Enhancer, allice (the principal active ingredient in garlic) also possesses strong antioxidant properties
  • Alicen is similar to Vitamin C which promote enhanced health through elimination of dangerous free radicals